Wednesday, April 06, 2005

an A and a B

The IIM A results are out
I'm in.
want to scream from the roof tops..
that's the A

and i drove my Bike today. this is something i do almost everyday
except today someone else also did (drive a bike that is..) into me..
hence the bike (mine not his) flew in one direction.. while me (not him) flew in another.
I'm fine.. a few scrapes and cuts.. but none worse for the wear. Fainted due to the shock.. (can't believe i did that tho.. so girlish) but took a painkiller and i'm fine..
and happy
and hyper


Kaps said...

Congrats and all the best.

satosphere said...

Have fun.
And whenz ur treat?

You will meet a lot of my friends there.

And did you hit the other guy in your ecstatic joy or in total confusion

AC said...

A little late in the day, er... week, i know, but YAAAHOOOOO!

zing said...

a bike accident.....
Its memorable for you(not him) I think because of the day it happened. It was a day for you
(not him) and his(not yours) bike must have gone to a servicing centre.....
IIM-A its really a cool day for you(not him).............

Anonymous said...

Here through

Congrats! And all the best for the forthcoming slog ;-)


Sidharth said...

Congrats Suze!

Best Wishes for a wonderful time ahead in Ahmedabad !!

-Sid :)

Bosky said...

all the best there,gr8 to see so many seniors getting in :)

a yr junior from colg,