Monday, April 10, 2006

Earlier Today

Me : What's the point of that kind of charade? I know I'm lying, they know I'm lying, I know they know I'm lying.. you get the idea..

Friend : That sounds exactly like an HR interview..



Update : Maybe the above post required a little context. I and a friend were discussing parents and how its pointless to lie to them.

Interviews may be typically classified into two types (If you've ever tried getting into a b-school or a job, you'd know) - Technical and HR.

The technical interview is a rude awakening for both you and the interviewer. You realize that you in fact know nothing. Unfortunately so does the interviewer.

In a HR interview, your attitude and softer skills are tested. Here you eagerly convince b-school G (for want of a better letter) that even though you have calls from IIM A B C you're still seriously considering G and want v badly to get in there. (This is usually done to hedge, just in case you have non-HR interviews at A B C and don't make it through)

So there we go, this became a nice long post now :)


gP said...

uh/...wats an HR interview...this is all lies...:P

Gowri Shankar said...

HR guessing it is an inside joke which MBA grads will understand.
We are still cracking boring engineering jokes.
Ever hear the newton per metre square joke?Still cracks us up :P ;)

Anonymous said...

can we have longer posts? and hmm wats the charade about?

Anonymous said...

Ah.... Finally got it...

mayank said...

hello mam i m cat aspirant.........wanted some guidance from u...can u help me out,plz..u can leave your comment at my

Nero said...

how true *sighs*