Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lights Camera Action..

We put up "Kamala" over the past two days. I play one of the smaller parts in the play. One long dialogue and a few short ones. But rehearsing for the play and putting it up has been amazing fun. Our tuchchas (seniors) juggled three paper submissions and end terms which start tomorrow, while we made it through four continuous days of tests and rehearsals and v little sleep.. All in all, an amazing time.

I guess, to a certain extent i'm proud of doing something that is SO outside my comfort zone. I've never gone on stage before and yet this past one week, i've danced, acted and had a blast!


Ramasubramaniam Srinivasan said...


Saw the play...I think it was average sensational journalism was brought out to a certain extent but it was kind of lost by Sarita being treated badly...So the effect was lost a little bit...

I liked the scene where you and sarita talk about being good slaves...beautifully done...

Though I thought you would have had more to do in the play...considering that the play was named after your character...

Overall...Nice to hear somebody share the feeling that first year in not only about Acads...Have a rocking time...


Suze said...

thanks ram..

my role is basically that of a plot device... the play rests on sarita's shoulders.

and sensational journalism is to a large extent vandhya sambhog.. serves no purpose if it does not "speak" to the common man.. too many activists parading around as "do gooders" who are divorced from the actual needs of the common man.

i think the play is meant to highlight the hypocrisy of a man who is willing to use anyone to get what he wants and manages to misguide himself into believing that what he is doing is "good"..

and while acads are pretty important and all, i think i would go up in a puff of smoke if that was the only thing i ever did..

Oka the irrepressible said...

Hey, the play was awesome ! Great work !!!

Suze said...

thanks oka :)