Sunday, May 16, 2004

A Day in the Life

Now that i'm staying (well sort of..for two more weeks) with grandmom for a while, I get a HUGE caffeine fix in the morning. My mom makes coffee in a cup, frothing with two teaspoons of sugar. My grandmom makes coffe by the yard. High fat milk and one of the reasons why everyone in my family has high sugar levels. In one word, yum :-)

Then we sit at the old dining table that's been around since i was born. And we talk for a little while each morning. Just general gossip about who's doing what and where. I try to explain BPO's and rankings of various MS schools. And she's tries to explain exactly how Mrs ABC is related to me on my dad's side. Who's Mrs ABC? the one who's son studies at that Austin place.. etc

I first tried to convert numbers and concepts into tamil. Rather difficult considering the state of my tamil :). Then she realised i was struggling. And i realised she was convent educated, so we just switch to English.

I'm thinking of summers of long ago. Spent in Mylapore, sitting on the Thinna drinking Lassi or Rose Milk, listening to my parents, uncles, aunts all talking. And us kids listening sleepily in the drowsy heat of the summer. Till one day, the house is locked up and i'm 20 years old. And it seems like yesterday but it was ages ago. Makes you feel kind of old. Maybe because i've always associated memories with growing old. Growing old and growing up. :)

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