Thursday, July 07, 2005

Life or something like it

Its 10 : 30 pm as i post this.

Week 2 is almost over.

A small sigh of relief at having survived so far. :)

This place has a strange way of changing you. Some of us realise whats really important to us. Sometimes it takes a week away from home to decide that you want to work where your family lives. It takes three more days for this place to make you forget all of that and get swept away in the tide of cg's and i banking jobs.

It's very easy to lose yourself. Spend 24 hours a day in a relentless pressure cooker and soon you forget yourself. Other people's goals become your own. It happens so subtly that you often don't notice it. Until suddenly one day you're in the Singapore division of an investment bank and you remember how years earlier you had wanted a marketing career in Delhi.

There is no life outside of this place for us. Not for the next 9.5 months. The outside world ceases to exist. We know of the floods because our laptops won't arrive for another week. We know about the F1 race because some seniors were watching it on our floor. But we *fachchas* have no life for the next 9.5 months. And the ones who struggle the most are the ones who resist that.

Bschool isn't all that bleak. But it is fast paced. You have enough time to prepare for tomorrow. Long term planning is deciding whether to have dinner at CT or in the canteen. There simply isn't enough time to think of anything beyond that. Cases to prepare for. Prayers to say, wishing you dont get cold called.

The classes, though, are amazing. Mindblowing profs. And each class challenges you to think and apply yourself in ways that you've never done before. You end each day amazed at what your classmates do, and even more amazed that you can do it too.

I think i've learnt more in the last two weeks than i did in years. Both inside and outside the classroom. I've learnt i'm far more disciplined than i ever gave myself credit for. And capable of surviving on much less sleep than i'd think possible. :)

Cases on QM and Eco tomorrow morning
So good night all


Ektz said...

welcome to Ahmedabad.

best of luck!

Saraansh said...

Go girl!!

Anonymous said...

awesome post