Sunday, September 30, 2007


My bathroom floor is covered with mats. We have two white ovals, which are not really ovals - more like elongated circles, and two blue circles. They are currently arranged on the floor in a neat row - oval circle oval circle. White Blue White Blue.

My inner self rebels daily against this symmetry. And as I sit there meditatively, I run through a seemingly infinite set of possibilities. Oval - Circles on top of each other - Oval. Blue in one corner with Whites in a straight line. Circle Circle and Ovals at right angles to each other. Blue White White Space and then Blue.

With three women trying to get to work at the same time, it is not long before I am jerked out of my morning reverie.

1 comment:

Lalbadshah said...

Patterns. You hate it when you see one and hunt for them in randomness. Still, counts for rebellion, eh? :)