Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Living by Lists

The past few weeks have, as usual, been crazy busy. First there were midterms. Even though I had only two, still had to study. And then there were not one, but two trips home - which are awesome fun but exhausting nonetheless.

T-nite soon followed. Apparently my juniors are pretty good at setting a stage on fire. Now I don't mean that literally of course. After my class's experience with diyas last year, all forms of fire are banned on stage. But between them, the Fachchas have a Michael Jackson, a Beyonce Knowles, a few drummers, and another Jackson called Janet. [She of the famous wadrobe malfunctions ;-)]

This Sunday, we put up our first play of the year - Dance Like a Man (written by Mahesh Dattani). If you're in Ahmedabad this weekend, do drop by!

And now, back to submissions and work. As I said, crazy busy. My desk is a veritable jungle of purple and yellow post-its with reminders of various kinds. Some are quite incomprehensible. It took me a good fifteen minutes to understand one particularly cryptic note scribbled to myself at 3.28 am.

"Pyal Play!!" - was apparently supposed to remind me to tell someone that we need ghungroos for the drama practice!

As an aside, don't believe everything you read in the papers. I can, for example, speak passable Hindi


Unknown said...

Is this the adaptation of the movie where Anoushka Shankar plays Lata??i think i remember the movie.It is probably one of the most dramatic movies i've ever watched..

Bg said...

are u sujata santanakrishnan? :-)
u rock!

Ravi said...

*Passable* won't do...Hindi Seekh lo Suze :-)

Suze said...

Kudva, Yes it is!! :)

Gayathri, yep - Sujatha Santhanakrishnan.. Watch the H's.. :-)

Noodle, aap se to behtaar hi bolti hoon..

Bg said...
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Cynical Consultant said...

I just got a bulletin board / softboard to replace my hazaar post it's lying around.

VEry handy. Try it.

The yellow postits were bad enough, then i discovered those post-it-prompts.
In 3 annoying colours, pink, purple and orange.