Saturday, July 24, 2004


I've been running around doing loads of things.
feel like a regular busy bee.

got the CAT bulletin. need to go get HB pencils to fill it out. :) *excited suze*
also went to the Consulate and got my visitors visa. usa here i come.
and then landmark. which still remains one of my favorite bookshops even if they have become more "airhead'y and pretentious'ly pop" over the years.

got more j d salinger. i loved franny and zooey. got "raise high the roof beam, carpenters AND seymour". a continuation of the story of the Glass family. need "a perfect day for bananafish to complete the set.

and got jeff archer's volume three of the prison diaries. why? simply because i loved everything he wrote. my first novelist and all that. by the time he fell from grace, i was old enough to understand that most of our childhood idol's invariably did.

and the beautiful and the damned by F Scott Fitz. haven't read it yet. but have loved everything else he wrote. from the gr8 gatsby to bernice bob's her hair.

then took a time mock cat. and did decently. so, happy. :)

listening now to fuzon. a pakistani band with a soft lyrical feel. aankhon ke saagar. brilliant.

well cheers to all. and good luck for the CAT.

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